
पुरुषले यी कुरामा ध्यान दिन आवश्यक

महिला आफ्नो सुन्दरता प्रति बढी संवेदनशील हुन्छन् । तर महिलाको तुलनामा पुरुषले फेसनमा खासै चासो दिँदैनन् । अझ कतिपय पुरुष त आफ्नो पहिरन तथा फेसनका बारेमा समेत जानकार हुँदैनन् । तसर्थ फेसनबारे महिलाले नरुचाउने यी कुराहरू पुरुषले बुझ्न आवश्यक छ ।

– दुब्ला केटाहरूले ठुलो कपडा लगाएको केटीले मन पराउँदैनन् । खासमा दुब्लो शरीर भएका पुरुषले मोटो देखियोस् भनेर ठुलो लुगा लगाएका हुन् । तर यो महिलालाई मन पर्दैन ।
– लामो नमिलेको दाह्री पाल्ने केटा पनि केटीहरूले मन पराउँदैनन् । गालामा हल्का दाह्री भएको वा मिलेको दारी पालेको केटाले मात्र उनीहरूलाई आकर्षित गर्दछ ।
– बेल्टमा मोबाइल होल्डर राखेर हिँड्ने केटालाई पनि केटीले मन पराउँदैनन् ।
– खुकुलो जिन्स पेन्टमा बेल्ट नलगाउने केटा पनि केटीको नजरमा राम्रो मानिँदैनन् ।
– असाध्यै लामो वा एकदमै छोटो टाई लगाउने केटा पनि केटीका नजरमा पर्दैनन् ।
– जिममा लगाउने जुत्ता लगाएर अफिस जाने केटो पनि केटीलाई मन पर्दैन ।
– मुखमा गुट्खा चपाएर कुरा गर्ने केटालाई केटीले मन पराउँदैनन् ।
– हातमा नाना थरीका रबर ब्यान्ड, लगाएका केटा पनि केटीलाई मन पर्दैन ।

यो पनि…
जिन्सको साथमा लगाउनुहोस् यी स्टाइलिस टप
पुरुषका लागि ह्याडसम टिप्स


Don’t tell MSG Knicks Rangers Chair and CEO Jim Dolan that oversaturation has rendered the uniform ad patch market softer than soapstone. Industry sources gathered in Salt Lake City for NBA All-Star Game weekend told me that the Knicks -- one of four NBA squads playing this season’s sans uniform ads, along with the Trail Blazers, Grizzlies and Wizards -- are in the market asking around $30 million annually for the 2 ½-x-2 ½ uniform patch. The Knicks knock down 12.3 three-pointers per game (12th in the league) at a 34.7% rate (23rd in the NBA), compared to the 12.9 their opponents make while shooting 34.7% from deep. Former center played for the Minnesota Timberwolves, Utah Jazz, Orlando Magic, Golden State Warriors, San Antonio Spurs, and New York Knicks. http://blogs.ugidotnet.org/biztalk/archive/2007/02/13/70609.aspx You will gain a deeper understanding of how to create powerful and dynamic social media presence. You can use this knowledge to create new digital and social strategies, transition to a new career, or improve your own business. You will also have a strong foundation for further study related to digital marketing. If you’re like the majority of social marketers, brand awareness is your top goal. In the first stage of the buyer’s journey, brands are trying to capture consumers’ attention and introduce themselves. Social media video marketing is a great medium to reach new customers and show them who you are and what you value, what your brand offers and what differentiates it from your competitors. Many businesses don’t have the time or expertise to carry out their social media marketing internally. They understand the benefits and importance of social media marketing, but their staff are all busy doing other things, their job functions more connected to the firm’s area of expertise. In that case, a business could work with a specialist social media marketing agency. These agencies often operate their clients’ social accounts on their behalf and set up and run their social media advertising campaigns.

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सम्बन्धित खबरहरु

एक साँझ हामी सूर्यास्त अवलोकन गर्न हेग शहरको अत्याधिक प्रसिद्ध समुन्द्रतट स्केभनिनगन गएका थियौँ । हाम्रो टोलीमा इटाली, फ्रान्स, नर्वे,

काठमाडौंबाट करिब १ सय १० किलोमिटरको दूरीमै नेपालको राष्ट्रिय चरा डाँफे हेर्न पाइन्छ भन्ने थाहा पाउँदा कतिपयलाई अपत्यारिलो लाग्दो हो

सलाम तिमीलाई तमाम शिशिरहरुसधैँ मुटु उनिरहने प्रिय झिरहरुयो घाउ नि सहुँला पुरानो त भर्न देउधन्यवाद जिन्दगी चियर्स मेरा पिरहरु मुक्तककार

हिमाली जिल्ला डोल्पामा १ सय २० हिउँचितुवा भेटिएको छ । डिभिजन वन कार्यालय डोल्पाले शे–फोक्सुण्डो राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज क्षेत्रमा ९० र